Tra gallwyf byth anadlu a byw

1,2,(3,4),5,6;  1,2,5.
(Neb fel Iesu)
Tra gallwyf byth anadlu a byw,
Moliannu wnaf fy Iesu gwiw;
  O eithaf nef i uffern drist,
  'Does neb i mi fel Iesu Grist.

Pan byddwy'n gorwedd dan fy maich,
Heb neb i'm helpu i'r lan ā'i fraich;
  Wel, dyma'r pryd, f'Anwylyd mae
  Yn arfer hoffi trugarhau.

Pryd hyn 'rwy'n caru Iesu'm Duw
Uwchlaw'r creduriaid o bob rhyw;
  A'm calon fach oll trwyddi'n wir
  Yn llosgi megis morwor pur.

Ni phrofais ddim o dan y nef
Mor feluw ac yw ' gariad ef;
  Mi wn, na ffinder dim y maes
  Trwy nefoedd fry bereiddiach blās.

Iaith i ddadguddio, ofer yw,
Beth yw melusdra hedd fy Nuw;
  Pe d'wedwn tra fai
      ynof chwyth,
  Melusach yw na d'wedwn byth.

Rhagori ar ddengmil mae ei wedd,
'Rwy'n llawn fodloni ar ei hedd;
  'Dwy'n 'mofyn pleser dan y nef
  Ond digon o'i gyfeillach ef.
'Does neb i mi :: Neb i mi erioed
Iaith i :: Geiriau i

William Williams 1717-91
Aleluia 1749

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Melcombe (Samuel Webbe 1740-1816)
Norfolk (<1875)
Rockingham (Edward Miller 1731-1807)
Sebastian (D Vetter / J S Bach)

gwelir: Pe cawn adenydd boreu wawr

(None like Jesus)
While ever I may breathe and live,
Praise I shall my worthy Jesus;
  From the utmost heaven to sad hell,
  There is none for me like Jesus Christ.

When I am lying under my burden,
With none to help me up with his arm;
  See, this is the time, my Beloved is
  In the practice of loving mercy.

At this time I am loving Jesus my God
Above the creatures of every kind;
  And my little heart all through truly
  Burning like a pure ember.

I experienced nothing under heaven
As sweet as is his love;
  I know, nothing is to be found abroad
  Through heaven above of sweeter taste.

A language to reveal, useless it is,
What is the sweetness of my God's peace;
  If I were to tell while
      there were breath in me,
  Sweeter it is than I would ever tell.

Superior to ten thousand is his countenance,
I am fully satisfied with his peace;
  I am ask for no pleasure under heaven
  But sufficient of his companionship.
There is none for me :: None for me ever
A language to :: Words to

tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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